What We Do


If you have any questions about Dyslexia or would like an explanation of parts of this website, please call our Freephone number on 0800 077 8763.

Dyslexia Screening

If you're interested in identifying Dyslexia, a Dyslexia Screening is a good place to start. You can view a demonstration of our screening tool here. If you would like a screening, please contact us to talk to our team.

Identifying Dyslexia can be life changing. To listen to some experiences of people that we have worked with, please see the Dyslexia experiences section.

Assessment for Dyslexia in Employment

We offer Dyslexia Assessments for people in the workplace. An assessment will enable you to identify problems or areas that you are struggling with, and enable you to put strategies in place to work with your Dyslexia. Our assessments 'unpack' individual situations, examining background, history and looking at what problems are being experienced. Finally, our assessments will provide recommendations which will empower and enable the individual with a further understanding of their own Dyslexia. Please contact us for more information.

Assessment for Dyslexia in Education

If you're in higher education and wish to access Disabled Student' Allowances (DSA) the evidence you will require is a report produced by an Educational Psychologist or a practitioner who has 'Approved Teacher Status' awarded by British Dyslexia Association, or PATOSS. For more information on Dyslexia in Education, please visit Student Finance. Alternatively, contact us for further information

One to One Support

We offer students at Higher Education Institutions support sessions with our One-to-One tutors. Our support tutors meet with students individually to explain what our one-to-one service provides. The focus of this support in the long term is to enable the student to study independently and develop learning strengths to study more efficiently. If you are a student at university and would like to know more about our one-to-one support, please contact us.

Student Support

Our Support Agency provides support to students in Higher Education with one-to-one Support Tutors. This service is geared towards assisting students with their studies, enabling the student to understand their own Specific Learning Difficulty and how this may affect their studies. Our Support Tutors can introduce techniques and strategies which will improve ability to study more effectively and independently. Additionally, our Support Tutors demonstrate how to develop and utilise learning strengths - all with the emphasis on assisting you with your studies.

This is a specific service that we offer students in Higher Education. Please see our education section, for more information.

Dyslexia Support

Personal Development Course

Dyslexia Mentoring is a service we offer on a one-to-one basis for people with Dyslexia which can assist you in your everyday life such as filling in forms or applications, selling yourself in the best light when applying for jobs, or even helping you with everyday aspects of your work.
We have run many mentoring projects within the field of unemployment and employment settings. This has proved successful in empowering individuals and employers in addressing Dyslexia-related difficulties in the workplace. Mentoring is an ideal way to address self-esteem and confidence issues and facilitate Dyslexic adults in addressing their disability. This is a free service we offer to adults who have Dyslexia. For more information, please contact us.

Workplace Support

Workplace Support can be in the form of simple technological interventions, utilising software and IT, or it can be more specialised in exploring how employees can best be supported vocationally within their workplace. This may necessitate job coaching, exploring reasonable adjustments or simple work shadowing in order to resolve any unexpected problems relating to Dyslexia in the workplace.

Technical Assessment

Work-based assessments are key in enabling employees with Dyslexia to work to their best ability with the intervention of a work-based technical assessment - we have experience of such a service and have made suggestions to employers which have significantly helped employees readjust in their place of employment.

What We Do
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